Saturday, December 21, 2002

The Rest Of The Story...

So I'm watching TV and this little informative PSA comes on about Exercise in relation to men v. women. It said that women are less likely to find exercising opportunities in their neighborhoods as compared to men, and that women also had more excuses for not exercising, like they're too tired or there is not enough time. And that's all they said.

Well, people I WILL TELL YOU THE WHOLE FRIGGIN STORY, even if the so-called researchers didn't bother to find out the reasons why.

While Mr. Guy is leaving the office and heading straight for the gym, Mrs. Wife is heading home to feed the kids. And while she's at it, she may as well throw in a load or two of laundry, get YOUR dinner started, wrap a few extra Xmas gifts or send out cards, make a few phone calls to plan the family's social calendar or the kids' weekend activities, and make a cake for old Aunt Edna's 83rd birthday. Whilst Mr. Guy may actually, maybe, clean the gutters this weekend, between football games.


Women don't find exercise activities in their neighborhoods because while Mr. Guy decides to take a run through the neighborhood without nary a second thought, Mrs. Wife is thinking that if she does that, she may get raped. Women are constantly, 100% of the time, making decisions based on their safety. When we walk to our cars we look around before we walk out the door. We thread our keys through our fingers in case we need to fight someone. When we're carrying two bags of groceries, we know we are totally vulnerable. We don't even think about getting out of our cars until we have the house key already properly placed between our fingers. A walk through the neighborhood? Even this nice suburban one? Yes, we worry. Always. Rape is always at the back of a woman's mind. Surely a little run in the daylight along the bike path is okay. Nope. In the early 90's, 21 year-old Univ. at Buffalo student Linda Yellem, a promising track athlete, was running along the bike path in mid afternoon, on a beautiful sunny, warm day right on campus grounds. She was brutally beaten, raped, and murdered.

These idiots who did this study should have thought about how insulting their findings are.

And so now you know the rest of the story.

Friday, December 20, 2002

How old am I?

This is where I was going to post another cool and interesting tidbit. But seeing as I'm almost 40 and senile, as soon as it flashed in my head it was gone. And I'm sitting here trying to remember, and I can't. I'll remember at 4 in the morning when I get up to pee for the 7th time, but I won't come downstairs to blog it, because it'll be dark and I can't see and I might break my hip.
Martha's Trouble Rules!

Woo! Just returned from Monty's. Mary Simon is fabu as always, but who knew MARTHA'S TROUBLE was gonna be there! I've been hearing about them on the Indie scene for a year or so, and was thrilled to finally get to hear them. They were so fucking fantastic! Go check them out, everyone!

So I'm sitting there by myself, ready to hear good tunes, and out of the corner of my eye I see this lecherous sortof dude burning a hole through my left temple, staring so hard at me. I think whatever. Mind you, I'm at a table all by myself, waiting for Maria (and I thought Jessica) to show up. Sitting alone for a long time. It's okay, I prefer that most often. But it gives him the chance to finally get the nerve to ask if he can join me. I say, "Sure! I figured sooner or later someone would ask to sit here", with so many people standing, and me all alone at this big table. So I promptly ignore him. Ya know, it's not like some hottie 30 year old chick wants to hit on me, no, it has to be some 40-something balding dude with a pocked complexion. It couldn't be that gorgeous blonde number in the plaid mini-skirt. No, it had to be Mr. Hyde, the kind of guy who probably still lives with his mother. Oh wait. I live with my mother! Nevermind.

Then Maria shows up and joins me. Soon after I completely abandon her to schmooze my colleagues, leaving her with this man, and she was indeed far friendlier than I. She actually carried on a conversation with him and got his name. I suppose I would have if he hadn't been staring at me in such a creepy way. But once Maria was there, it was okay to talk to him. I had me a buffer. Thanks, Maria! He was nice enough, though really insecure and shy, that was obvious. But still.... a guy. Not that there's anything wrong with that! It just ain't my thang.

Maria gave me the most amazing gift ever! A little clay pin of ME! (IT'S ALL ABOUT ME!) Playing the guitar and wearing the same clothes as in the picture that is currently on my website. It is the best gift ever. At least until I get that horse I've been asking for for 35 years. She also gave me the cutest little statuette of a mommy kitty hugging and licking her baby kitty. Awwwwww!!!!!

So there ya go. My big exciting night. Woo. Hoo.

Thursday, December 19, 2002

So what's up?

Been a busy couple of days - doing some notary mortgage closings, serving papers, etc. Boring stuff that I have to do to pay the bills. At least pay for the cat bills, who now decides she has a urinary problem. Oh. I did already bitch about this, didn't I? Yes, we went to the vet again today. She's much better, but I still have to pay a gazillion dollars in "prescription" food for her now, forever. And since I have two cats, I have to feed him the same, so double the cost.

So, tonight I've decided to go to Monty's to see my buddy and fave singer, Mary Simon, play. I was supposed to be in Canada all week, but I don't go until Sunday. Gonna spend the weekend in Buffalo, seeing my buds, and getting one more chance to see Lisa {dreamy sigh}before she goes back to Colorado. We're all gonna have a party on Sat night and say goodbye to our pal Carl Junior who's moving to NC, where his beloved already lives. God, we'll miss ya, Carl! We'll be going to the queen of all Martini bars! So many types of martini's! Too bad I hate Vodka.

Thanks for those of you who offered to help with the HTML issue, there. Will take one of you up soon, just haven't had a minute, ya know?

Tuesday, December 17, 2002

This friggin HTML shit. Can anyone help me? I'm trying to put the damn mood indicator at the bottom, under the archives, but it just willy-nilly puts itself on top. Whafuck?
Alrighty, hot off the presses, my new song. Not that you can hear the music. But here are the lyrics. Tell me whatcha think.
© 2002 Guitarlily Music/BMI. All rights reserved. Don't fuck with my songs.

Thursday In December

It’s a Thursday in December
Am I’m looking for you
But I haven’t even met you
Still I’m hoping to
I wonder if we’ll meet
Passing on the street
Or while I’m Christmas shopping
in the mall
It’s a Thursday in December
And I’m ready for love’s fall

And the green is quickly yielding
To the gently falling white
Yet my icey heart is melting
Thawing from its long frostbite

We would go out to dinner
We could drink a little wine
I’d be thinking that you’re pretty
And your laughter divine
I imagine your body
Tense underneath me
Tasting bittersweet against my tongue
It’s a Thursday in December
I love love when it’s young


Silent night, lonely night
Will you come tonight?

It’s alarming what I’m feeling
About someone I don’t know
You’re a memory of the future
Invented in the snow


The cold winds of winter
Would be far less bitter
No matter how hard they blew
On this Thursday in December
If only I had you.

Monday, December 16, 2002


You have no idea how much I needed that.