Saturday, March 01, 2003

Where did that come from?

So here I am, innocuously writing a check, and there's a big loogie on the back of my hand. When did I sneeze? Looks like it's been there awhile, too...

Thursday, February 27, 2003

By the Way

Regarding my site meter, can anyone tell me the difference between a "visit" and a "page view"? How can you visit a site and not view it's page?

Back from Canada.

The studio sessions went very well. Got the acoustic guitar tracks AND vocals down for four songs. Decided to put the BRAND NEW song on the CD and scratch "Bridge You Burned", a song that really should quietly die. Like putting down an old, decrepit dog. You just gotta do it, sometimes. Learned quite a bit while recording the vocals. The producer's techniques are so good, and also required me to revisit the lyrics of my songs and look at some of them in a new light. Very cool, because when you've sung the same song for so long, you get comfortable and into a habit with it, kind of like a boring marriage. AND because I had practiced and prepared, I finished HOURS early and didn't have to stay a second night. Finished the session at 5:00 and headed back to the states. That saved me LOTS of money.

I met a very interesting man at the hotel. Now get yer minds outta the gutter, I'm talking about the manager there, a 65 y.o. Pakistani man born in India who has lived in 13 countries. He was a poet and a writer, and wrote mostly political satire, which is why he can't go back to his native country. We had a very interesting chat about art and culture in society and it's effect on society, and the responsibility artists have, and a little bit about God, mostly about spirituality vs. religion. Very nice man.

Of course while there I got to drink some decent BEER, which Canada has tons of. I so hate American beer, except for Rolling Rock. That's it. This time I drank Grolsch, which isn't Canadian, but has the higher alcohol content allowed in Canada. My all time favorite beer is Alexander Keith's India Pale Ale, made right there in Nova Scotia!! YUMMMMMMMM! It's great to live so close to the Border because I can cross over anytime, head to the beer store and grab a case in under an hour. The custom agents always let me through without paying duty, since it's only one case. So, Hail Canada for making great beer, which is my only vice left.

So what else to tell? Nothing, I guess. Not even a rant.

Monday, February 24, 2003

And more snow.

Yuck. Lotso snow. I'm over it.

Had a fun weekend of gigs and my diehard fans and pals showed up. I love them for that forever and ever: Maria, Jess, Mary Rose. Played at a cafe on Friday night and got nearly 100 bucks in tips. Toldja that nun get up would work! Then opened up for Sam Shaber in Ithaca the next night. I love Sam. She's actually nice. Don't meet too many nice people in this biz. Go check out her website. That photo on the main page is HOT HOT HOT! Too bad she's a straight girl. What a waste.

I'm heading to Canada now. See ya.