Tuesday, March 04, 2003

Blog Blog Blog!

I've been blogging extra hard these past few days to make up for the impending dearth of entries this coming week. I'll be in Buffalo all week for a show, with only dial-up computers around me. And as every knows, I DON"T have the patience for that.

Goodbye! Miss Me! I'll miss you...

Monday, March 03, 2003


You all crack me up with your comments on the last posting! EMMA PEEL!!! God, she's hot, I so loved her as a kid! HAHAHAHA! I liked April Dancer, too (The Girl From U.N.C.L.E, played by Stephanie Powers.) Guess I had a thing for red-heads back then. Anyway, no sweat. God knows I AIN'T going back to that shit-uation, I'm just not looking forward to the games and the bullshit, if that's what in the making. Who knows, I may not hear from her at all. But I don't need any shit, that's for sure. I have a low patience threshold for drama and crap. But I will tell you this: IF for some reason, after nearly three years, she suddenly decides she wants to "visit" the cats, I'm inviting ALL OF YOU to be here at my house at that time. I'll provide the beer and pizza. You provide the intimidation!

Do I Look Like a Criminal/Freak/Pervert/Mugger?

Tonight I went to SPoT Coffee to hear Greg Paul play. Who knew the weather was like Siberia out there? I didn't, but I went anyway. And when I got downtown, there was this ancient, hunched-over, old lady in a dress WAITING FOR THE BUS! Do the busses even run after 9:00 on a Sunday in downtown Rochester? They don't in Buffalo, unless there's a friggin' hockey game. So I turned my car around, making two U-Turns to get back to where she was standing, pulled over and got out of my car. Keeping a respectable distance I said, "May I offer you a ride, ma'am?" And she says "NOOOOOOOO!", in this big huge booming voice! Here I was expecting this decrepit, mousy, quavering little voice, and instead I got Drew Bledsoe calling audibles to a full house in Miami. "NOOOO!" I said "Are you sure?" and she just kept saying in this firm and certain voice "NO! NO! NO!" So I got back in my car and drove off. I mean, she doesn't know me from whomever, and she doesn't know that I'm not some old-lady serial killer, but I know! And it was so upsetting because I just assume every stranger in the world should know I'm a stand-up woman, even though I would have reacted the same way she did, and probably worse. It was just really bizarre to be perceived as a threat. And I gave up a good parking space, besides.

Sunday, March 02, 2003

Something is afoot....

So two weeks ago I get a voice message from my ex's sister (whom I love), saying "just checking in, how are ya, been thinking about ya, blah blah blah". Immediately I'm thinking there's an ulterior motive, because that's how that family is. So I wait about 10 days, then call her on a day I know nobody is home, so she doesn't think I'm totally blowing her off, because I don't want to do that, and I don't want her thinking that. But at the same time, I'm protecting myself and trusting my instincts. I leave a short and friendly message. Then a couple days later I see on my phone that she called again (while I was inside a building serving a subpoena), but she didn't leave a message this time. No biggie.

But yesterday I get an e-mail from the ex herself. No hello, not even a proper salutation at the top of the letter. Just a polite request asking if maybe I still have a copy of her resume on disk somewhere, because she really needs it and can't find it.

(Aside: when she betrayed me and unceremoniously dumped me, and I prepared to depart our home, I took all the files that belonged to her off my computer and put everything on disks for her and put them all together in a nice bin with all necessary papers for the house and everything she needed that pertained to her life, work and business. Then I moved back with mom and set up my computer and new home. Then I cried for months. Then I got a new computer. Everything that remotely pertained to her that was on my old computer was deleted and purged. Forever.)

So I told her I would look at all my old disks. Which I did, but of course I found nothing. Then she writes me back, this time the e-mail at least addresses my name. She says thanks, says she found some old crystal of mine that she'll get to me, then asks about the cats. A whole different, warmer tone.

Coincidence? I think not. Those two are up to something. I haven't heard from her in almost a year, maybe more. I use to send photos of the cats to her, but didn't get so much as a thank you, so I stopped. Suddenly she needs something?

The radar is up. Man the battlements. Secure the fort. Lock and load.

Loogie-free entry

I just came back from seeing Sam Shaber in concert (again!) in Syracuse at Happy Endings. I so LOVE Sam. She is so endearing on stage, and I love her writing. I bought her new CD, 80 Numbered Streets, and the title track from that CD, Solitaire, is totally devastatingly sad. I nearly bawl my eyes out whenever I hear it. Tori Amos was playing LITERALLY down the street a block, and it was a madhouse in the streets later on. But Sam still had a good turnout, thank the goddess. The opening act was really milktoast, but he wasn't bad.

Went with Maria and Mary Rose and boy we had a grand ol' time. Rabid girl talk, girl-watching and all that. We compared our muscles, of which mine are pathetic (as everyone knows). Mary Rose's arms are like steel. She quipped that it's from masturbating, but if that's the case, I should be built like the hulk.