Saturday, February 01, 2003


Ugh. I'm so sick. I got a code in by dose. And a throat infection of some horrible sort that I must treat with saltwater, whiskey, garlic and colloidal silver, since my damn doctor doesn't have office hours on Fridays, so I have to wait until Monday. So I told him sure I'll be there on Monday, unless I'm already in the hospital with a raging uncontrolled infection. So dramatic.

But I did my gig on Thursday anyway, hanging around smokers and drinking beer, as if that's good for a singer's throat. And it was all fun anyway. I debuted my "nun" character. Ya see, I get really sick and motherfucking tired of people expecting music for free. And people come in to a club without paying a cover charge and listen to singers for a couple of hours, spend untold amounts of money on booze, then leave without buying a single CD. Like I shouldn't be compensated for my work.

(Look out! She's on a rant!)

So I made this nun's veil and a little collection bag like they have at Catholic churches. After my 3rd song I put on the veil, grabbed the collection plate and went through the crowd shaking down the patrons for money. One lousy friggin buck is all I'm asking, right? And I got 40 bucks! In the past whenever I asked people to put money in the jar, all I got were blank stares. So I decided to try this character simply as a mind fuck, knowing 1) that if I actually get in their faces, they can't say no, and 2) the nun get-up subliminally plays into their guilt. And it worked! Now, it's a good thing I'm a good witch, because what if I actually used this knowledge and power for evil? Muahahahaha....


My sister's bratty children are over. I have so little patience for children in general, and girl children are too whiney and boy children are too hyper. My two cats and I are hiding in the basement right now, because the three of us are totally neurotic around kids. The two boys slept over and it is TIME FOR THEM TO GO HOME! It's fucking noon already.

Wednesday, January 29, 2003

I Love Bush

Double entendre notwithstanding, here is the quote of the speech:

"Let's put it this way: They no longer pose a threat to the United States..."

I nearly fell out of my chair when he said that, referring to Al-Qaeda terrorists who had "met another fate" (other than being arrested). I thought, well, that's a nice euphemism for "bombing them to oblivion". I thought he was dancing around the whole idea and trying to be clean about it. I was thinking, just say it, George: We killed them. But then he came out with that statement, and I said "Rock on, George!"

The whole State of the Union speech is nothing more than a feel-good exercise for America, and a chance for the President to use his bully pulpit to push his agenda. It never really talks about the actual "state of the union". If I was writing Dubya's speech, it would've gone something like this:

"The economy sucks, but housing starts broke the all-time record last month. Stocks are in the dumper, but interest rates are at an all time low. And while we're in this crappy economy, many of you will be laid off. That's just a fact of a free-market economy and you'll have have to deal with it. You should have money in the bank as a precaution because that's your responsibility, not the government's. You squeamish amateur idiots who sell a stock whenever the moon goes full should pull your money out the stock market, put it in a bank, and stop fucking up the stock market economy with your emotionalism. Here is the exact evidence we have on Sadaam and why I want to nuke his pussy little country. We passed all sorts of education reform measures but our idiot children still can't read, and it's your fault, mom and dad. Get the little bastards away from the gameboys and playstations and take them to a library. And by the way, we're spending the most we ever have on education, but you taxpayers are absolutely not getting your money's worth. And finally, I know I want to reduce taxing Americans as much as possible, but that will be impossible with all these programs I just said I'm starting. Thank you, my fellow Americans, and goodnight."

Just a little honesty, please.

Tuesday, January 28, 2003

Chat anyone?

I'm hosting a chat session on my Yahoo Group tomorrow night - music related, of course. Anyone wanna join in? We're talking about music: your favorite Indie artists, any singer you want to share with the group, people can ask questions about my music and songs, etc. etc. You have to join the group to join the chat: Join here

See ya there?

Bloody Fucking Freezing Weather!

I'm wearing two pairs of socks (the hiking kind), two layers of shirts with a fleece thingy over it zipped up to my friggin chin, and I have the furnace running, the gas space heater turned up to five, and the little electric heater blowing right at my feet. And I'm still chilly.

I think I really need to move somewhere sweltering, because that's the only time I ever feel warm. You'll never, ever, ever, never see me wearing shorts in the summer in NY.

My blog buddy Marc lives in one of the maritime provinces of Canada and it's -14C below there today. That's a damn bloody heatwave compared to last night here - it was -14 FARENHEIT.