Friday, May 16, 2003

Hello again!

Don't know who will see this, as "out of sight, out of mind" is as true an adage as any. But here I am nonetheless, for a quickie. Call it a blog nooner, if you will.

I'm in Buffalo tonight. Right now as a matter of fact. Got in last night, my bud Leslie came into town. She's also friends with the other pit chick of Copa, and the three of us went bar hopping. We started at the Anchor for wings, went to Nietzsche's and played darts, then hopped over to Roxy's. After Roxy's it was a quick meal at Pano's, then back to the hotel. Everything was dead, as you can imagine. Probably going to Roxy's again tonight after the show for a while. This is it, kids. The last three shows! I can't wait to get back home, see my kitties, get back to my CD, and figure out what I'm doing with my life. I guess I need angst. It inspires the muses.

I have soooooo many stories, I'll have to blog them in chapters. I miss everyone terribly. I needs me buds - Cancer moon needs her circle of loving goodness. And I need to get away from Divas. Really, they haven't been that bad. But that's because I've shut down my receptors, just to survive on that bus in such close proximity to so many people. So they've been bearable, but my spiritual mojo is crying for feeding and release. These people wouldn't know their third eye from their butthole. But to be fair, they could be on shutdown, too. Who knows.

Anyhoo, I'll be passing through Rochester tomorrow. Stand on the thruway and wave as we pass, okay????

Will write soon!