Saturday, November 30, 2002

Reading Hecubus's blog today. On TG day, her aunt told her that gay people were disgusting. When I was 17 my Catholic mother said that gays were abortions that didn't happen that should have. She's changed alot since.

Friday, November 29, 2002

I was on a total X-Files rampage yesterday. The Sci-Fi channel had 23 hours of X-Files episodes on and I watched about 15 hours of it. All the episodes started to blur together. I didn't know which characters had appeared in which episode, couldn't remember if the one I was watching had to do with Scully's disappearance, or if that was the last episode, etc. etc. , and today find myself in withdrawal, for god's sake. If Dana Scully was a real person, I would stalk her.
Alright. Here goes. Stream of consciousness blabbing: I'm such a nice girl. So polite and concerned with not offending my fan base or their children, so I'm always so careful with what I say on my website. I'm a dyke (duh - what chick folksinger isn't? We rule the industry, regardless of what anyone will tell you). I'm a Christian, but you'll never, ever, ever see me with a bible or hear me talk about it, unless we are mutually engaged in an interesting discussion about religion. And then I'll never tell you what you should believe. I'm into metaphysics and astrology. I believe in past lives and "ghosts". I went to Catholic school. Anyone with half a brain who knows me will figure out who I am already. Not that I'm going to be anonymous. I live with my mother, after my partner of eight years had an affair on me with a mentally unstable , insecure blond chick who also happened to be a friend. She's a piece of shit. They both are. I don't talk to either anymore. I had to go somewhere and my mom is awesome, in the literal sense of the word, not the stupid, overused adolescent sense of the word. I know a little about a whole lot of things. I've done a whole lot of things. I'm sure I come across as arrogant, but I think it's just extreme self-confidence. Even though I'm totally unconfident when it comes to my music. And that's probably because my ego is too involved. Just totally contradicted myself, didn't I? I'm mechanically inclined. What do you need fixed? I love animals, and can barely tolerate people. So if I like you, consider yourself VERY special. I have very high standards. I never sold my soul to the devil. I once thought I had the calling. And technically I did, because I belive to this day that everything I do in life ultimately serves God. I also believe that we, collectively, are God. It was once described to me like this: Imagine a lake, which is made up of countless drops of water. We are the drops of water, and the lake is God. Quite simple, really. The collective consciousness thing. I have bad money karma. I'm highly opinionated. I tend to be conservative. I listen to talk radio, because I can't stand the drek that passes for music today. I received food stamps and medicaid 17 years ago in college and was very thankful for them even though it was the most humiliating thing ever. I have a strong work ethic. So strong, that in fact, I sometimes work too hard, if there is such a thing. I tend to be insomniatic. My mind never stops, and I have music in my head 100% of the time. Today I have songs from a musical flowing though. Writing all of this has drained me, so I'll stop now.