Thursday, December 05, 2002

Okay, so what about these dreams???? The other night I watched the X-Files episode with Lucy Lawless (sigh), Annabeth Gish (dreamy sigh) AND Gillian Anderson (angst-driven dreamy sigh), and fell asleep right afterward (it was two in the morning...). and then don't I dream of all three? They were modeling for a photo shoot and I was there watching, waiting for Dana. They finish and Dana and I are hanging, then WE START MAKING OUT!!!!!!!! Can ya stand it???? I never have dreams like that! Especially with babes I'm all adolescent about. Other dream must wait! Gotta go see ER. Then I can dream about Maura Tierny. (gentle sigh)
Jessica and I had a fun time at SPoT coffee today. I half-assed read her astro chart for her. She doesn't know it yet, but she's psychic. Will see her the rest of the girls this weekend at my gig. I better practice so I don't suck. I hate gigging in the winter. Don't like leaving the house, hate trudging through snow with gear, hate being cold. Should be touring in Florida or something. Need new songs, too. Very bored with the rest. Must change strings on two guitars tomorrow. Should book a gig at SPoT again, but like I said, it's winter. Alrighty. Beddy bye. I actually have to get up at the god-awful-anti-musician time of 7:00. Yes, that's A.M.! It's midnight now. I need 9 hours. Do the math.

Wednesday, December 04, 2002

Whooo! Okay, I was on quite the tirade there, wasn't I? I stand behind EVERYTHING I said, but holy cow, could have written it a little more intelligently, ya think? Good ol' stream of consciousness. Honest, but poorly written. But, as promised, the 2003 "stupid fuck holidays" (to the exclusion of honorary days like MLK day, or Federal holidays. I'm talking about hallmark holidays and pandering holidays):

Feb 8 - Boy Scout Day
Feb 14 - Valentine's Day (The het girl's ulitmate manipulation. The real story of St. Valentine is sweet and sad)
Feb 28 - Floral Design Day (lest the florists miss an opportunity)
April 23 - National Secretaries Day (how 'bout just paying them what they're worth? "Hey Madge, I hope this card makes up for the insulting compensation you receive to be my personal slave!")
May 6 - National Teacher's Day
May 6 - also National Nurse's Day (we don't have enough days available to give them their own?)
May 11 - Mother's Day
May 18 - Stepmother's Day (a testament to the (d)evolution of our society)
May 22 - National Maritime Day
June 5 - National Gingerbread Day (I swear I am not making this up...)
June 15 - Father's Day
July 27 - Parent's Day
August 4 - Friendship Day
Sept 7 - Grandparent's Day
Sept 16 - Women's Friendship Day (they needed their own? Aug 4 is, what, too hot to buy a card?)
Sept 17 - Citizenship Day (Wha'???)
Oct 12 - Clergy Appreciation Day ("Dear Father, thank you for not molesting me...")
Oct 16 - National Bosses Day (like employees aren't sucking up to them 365?)
Oct 19 - Sweetest Day (a day meant to remember others with a kind act, but in which het girls found another way to PW their boyfriends)
Oct 24 - United Nations Day (should be called "The Useless Body of Bickering Bureaucrats Day)
Oct 26 - Mother-in -law's Day
Dec 15 - Bill of Rights Day (here's an idea - how 'bout we honor the bill of rights by sticking to it?)

Notice any dumbass holidays missing? What about Step-Father's Day? Father-in-Law's Day? Girl Scout's Day?

Note: directly from the page: "Before we begin, please let the record be set straight once and for all — Sweetest Day was not created by Hallmark Cards" Does this mean they make up some holidays? Am I just a conspiracy theorist? Check out and go to "Celebrations and Ideas", and scoll down to "other holidays". They have alot of history on the origination of some of these holidays, before they were bastardized.

Tuesday, December 03, 2002

Anyone else wanna weigh in on what a FUCKING OBNOXIOUS holiday Christmas is???? Maybe if we'd kept to the sacred nature of it, kept to it's spiritual significance, then we wouldn't have all this high commericialism, guilt, gouging crap. It's like "Hey, prove you like me by buying me a present". What? It's like that fucking annoying Valentine's Day, thank you Hallmark. We are ruled by Hallmark. Everytime you turn around there's some other dumbass invented fucking holiday like Boss' Day, Secretary's Day, Grandparent's Day, Teacher's Day, Nurse's Day, Homeless Person day, Asshole Day, Crackhead Day, Jewish Left-Handed Lesbian Day. Any excuse to sell a goddamn card and make someone have to suck up to someone else.

If I ruled the world, there would be no stupid holidays like this. Sacred holidays would stay sacred, and we'd celebrate birthdays, anniversaries and Parent's Day, because that pretty much will cover everyone. Not father's day and mother's day separate. One day for both, since it took two to tango, so to speak. But Hallmark found a way to split up those days. Why? So we can have a good retail day in both May AND June. These holidays were invented to sustain retail stores through the year after the big Christmas Gouge. Do I have to spend nearly a thousand bucks on people in one month? Why? Because they'll think I'm cheap or unappreciative otherwise, to the exclusion of all my generosity during the rest of the year? And FYI, we already have mother's day and father's day, so why do we have Parent's Day (July 27). Say it with me people: HALLMARK NEEDED TO SELL CARDS IN JULY!!!!

Okay, later I'm going to post all the stupid fuck holidays I can find. Right now I'm going to watch 24.

Monday, December 02, 2002

Okay, so I may be a little drunk. Just a couple of brandies but it doesn't take much these days. Watched the Soprano's, which I love but has basically sucked this year. Still miss the X-files. Farris is on my lap, purring. Cleaned the house today, what a sty. Wanted to have just one brandy, but didn't stop there. What can I say. I'm a lush. Is "lush" a dated word? Wish I was in Buffalo with my buds. Especially my buddy Marty. We'd be drinking beer watching soft porn on HBO playing the "Are they real?" game and laughing our asses off at how pathetic that porn is. Feeling so totally fat. Theoretically should have had my period today, but like, when have I ever been regular? Not that it matters: I ain't using that shit anyway. Bills won against Miami today and that's a nice thing. Have to drive to Jamestown on Friday and that could be trouble this time of year. Again, stream of consciousness babbling. I feel like the right side of my brain has cement in it.

Jessica, you have your moon in Aries in the 12th house. Please stop talking about suicide. It's not totally your fault!! Your emotional watery moon is in the least evolved sign (Aries) which is at war with it's position in the most evolved house (12th)! I use the word "totally" because we all have free will. FREE WILL! Just because it's in our chart doesn't mean we are married to its fate. No. It means that this is our predisposition but we have the free will to work through it as we go through our journey on this planet. We learn and evolve. Your sun is in the 3rd house: you like to communicate! Your moon squares Neptune. In the secretive Scorpio house, no less. Oy vey. So Please stop taking it out on yourself! It's in Capricorn, thank God. OH LOOK! Your mars is in the 3rd house, just like mine! woo hoo! So you have no problem telling people to fuck off! HAHAHAHAHA! Okay, I'll stop. And if you ask me details tomorrow about your chart I may go "HUH? Duhhhhhhhhhhhhhh....." and drool. I'm drunk now, so it's easier to read a chart. When I'm sober, I doubt myself.

Good night, no one.

Sunday, December 01, 2002

Quote of the Day:

"The guy is freakin' blind!"
-Mom, regarding the Degas exhibit.

Needless to say neither of us cared for the exhibit. Certainly art is subjective, and we just didn't care for his sculptures. Degas did have vision problems, and when my mom came out with that I totally lost it, which then made her crack up, and there we were, two broads laughing our asses off, guffawing, to tears, in the middle of the exhibit. Such class. I think we may have thought differently had we been able to see Degas' actual work. But what they have there are bronze castings of his work. So it's actually the work of some foundry bronzer dude, like who cares. Is not the medium an artist uses a large portion of art, along with subject matter and content? So what the fuck? If I can't see the wax he used, am I really privvy to his original intentions? The answer is no, despite what some pretentious, faggot art critic says to the contrary.

You will live in Shack.
You will drive a black Sienna.
You will marry Angelina Jolie and have 0 kids.
You will be a singer in Italy.
So my grandmother totally had the malocchio today. All the women were over making the Christmas cookies except me, because I was working and then I had to go to the theater early today. And the minute I walked in she just ragged on me and picked on me for whatever the fuck. I made a comment about what's up with her mood, and my aunt said she had it out for everyone today, it's just that I was fresh meat at that moment. Ya know, I'm no pussy, but, like, she really hurt my feelings, she was so relentless. I'm a wimp when it comes to that kind of teasing, especially from gramma. And she knows how to push every fucking button, too, the strega. And while we're on the subject of gramma and gramma's house, can I just weigh in on what a fucking boring holiday Thanksgiving is? I'm the only dago in the world who's family can't cook. Watery sauce and stuffing that looks like green/gray spackling paste. Yech. And I hate turkey, for the record. And there were 8 of us there, and they cooked enough for 20.