Friday, February 21, 2003

Criminy, is it Friday already?

Well, as I always have opinions and rants, I don't always have time to write them. Suffice to say I've had a headache for three days because I'm in withdrawal from chocolate and grease.

That being said, I hope that, when I've fried my liver from drinking too much, I can get a free and immediate organ transplant like that illegal immigrant girl. God bless her good Karma, I hope she makes it. At the same time I wonder when America will start giving such good treatment to it's own citizens who've paid taxes all their lives.

Tuesday, February 18, 2003

PLEEEEEEEEEEEEEZE don't make me have to give up chocolate and happy meals!

Yes. I read the doctor's letter correctly. High Cholesterol.


At least I can still drink.

Monday, February 17, 2003

On the subject of my blog pals...

Maria and Jess, thanks for coming to Buffalo for the gig! :-)

Marc has a new website and a fancy new logo designed by my buddy Cheryl. See the link to the left. Marc once posted a link to my CD and webpage on his blog and I got over 500 hits from it.

I've gotten over 1000 hits from Jessica and Maria's blog, and also from the Sarah McLachlan fansite (see link).

Smooches to you all!

On the subject of the Northeast blizzard...

20" my ass. Boo hoo. News reports everywhere are lamenting the storm, talking about the amount of snow, accidents, deaths, airport closings, and what a thing it is and we're all supposed to be compassionate and mortified about it. But if this was happening in Buffalo, first of all, 20" don't mean shit in Buffalo, but if Buffalo was having a blizzard the news stories around the country would be along the lines of "Well, the armpit of America is having snow AGAIN, and what d'ya expect from BUFFALO, and how can anyone stand living there?" But guess which city lets all the other cities borrow their snow equipment and salt when they get enough to make a snowball?

Lots of planes got rerouted and had to land in Buffalo today because they couldn't get to their intended destinations. So they have a quote from some stranded dude on the radio saying "It's ironic that we have to land in Buffalo to avoid the snow". Well, dipshit, FYI, Rochester and Syracuse get more snow on average than Buffalo, for 15 years running. THEN the dude says "We're from Syracuse and we have to figure out where we're staying tonight, yuck yuck." To which I SCREAM at the radio, "RENT A CAR YOU MORON! YOU'LL BE HOME IN 3 HOURS! I drove from Buffalo to Rochester today, then drove all over Rochester's western towns serving summonses. People are pussies in the snow. Now, I know many states don't have snow plans or equipment because they just don't get snow. That's different. But this freak lives in SYRACUSE!

Save me from the stupid people.

Fond Buffalo blizzard memories:

1) 1983 - waking up and hearing that everything, and I mean everything was closed. Looking outside and seeing nothing but white past the front porch. Having to shovel OVER my head to begin clearing a path from the house to the sidewalk, which was already plowed. My buddy Virginia and I walking to the store through tunnels of snow because the snow piles were about 10 feet high.

2) 1986 - Walking out of my house with a shovel, crossing the street to the opposite curb, climbing a 6 foot mountain of snow, and shoveling UNDER my feet, because that's where my car was. At least, I think it was there. After all, I was guessing based on my recollection that I had parked it in that general vicinity. Finally seeing red metal, and knowing that it was, in fact, my car.

3) 1993 - Waking up with my new girlfriend to a shut down city and a snow day. I made the best sauce ever, made lasagna and garlic bread, and had some of the best sex ever.

4) 1998 - January. Climbing ladders with a hatchet everyday to break up the ice damns in the gutters of my brand new house. It snowed non-stop for two weeks. But before the snow had started it had sleeted first. There was a 5-inch thick layer of ice, covered with snow, and I didn't know if the roof was going to withstand the weight. Water trickled down from the roof in between the walls of the house all the way to the basement, causing 5K worth of damage. We (previously mentioned girlfriend) had somehow managed to purchase the last snow-rake in the entire county from Home Depot, making us an instant hit with all our new neighbors, who borrowed it to clear their laden roofs, too. What a great way to make friends with the neighbors!

5) 2000 - Leaving Buffalo Nov 4 after a devastating betrayal and break up of previously mentioned girlfriend. Three days later a huge storm hit that caused people to have to abandon their cars right in the lanes of traffic and seek shelter. The entire city comes to a complete standstill for more than a week because snow removal equipment cannot traverse the streets until all the cars are towed. I hear about the entire thing from the news and friends, sitting in Rochester, which hasn't yet seen a snowflake.

On the subject of bad performers with big huge attitudes and nothing to back it up...

The quote of the night was....

"...(her music) kind of sounds like Spongebob."