Friday, March 21, 2003

More Annoyance.

When are they going to make the telephone number pad and the calculator pad go in the same direction???

I know they did this purposely in the 30's, when mechanical punch machines were invented and all to cut down on errors, but for heaven's sake, it's a new world now. There ain't no more addressograph machines.

Hey, that was a small rant, wasn't it?

Such a deal!

Wegman's cat food...25 cents a can!


So I typed this big long post and I was JUST about finished when my cat, Farris (who was lounging on the desk), stretched, causing his BIG HUGE FAT FUCKING PAW to hit the escape key!!!!!!


Wednesday, March 19, 2003

Ice Cream Socials Rule

A bunch of us goils went out last night for an ice cream social! You can read about it here.

Quote of last night:

Jess: My mom likes you. She thinks you're wholesome.
Leah: I am wholesome. (Said as she was perusing sex toys at the local porn shop).

Tuesday, March 18, 2003

The IRS is the closest thing we have to a dictatorship in the USA

Yes, I'm doing my taxes. And I fucking hate it. I have two businesses going here, neither of which makes me any money, yet I have to prove to the damn government that I don't. AND I probably have to pay taxes anyway, at least sales tax on CD sales, which I will admit right here I FUDGED TOTALLY. The damn IRS has it all set up to encourage cheating on your taxes, if you want to keep something for yourself. Taxes are confiscatory, punitive, unconstitutional and annoying. To pay for what? Welfare cheats? Programs that don't do shit for the people they're supposed to help? Congresspeople's ever-increasing salaries? Lawsuit payoffs? Subsidies on farms and steel? Enron and Worldcom bailouts? "Humanitarian" aid to every nickel and dime little country in the world we have an interest in?

And then you spend your whole life getting taxed on income to pay for Social Security, and when it's your turn to collect, they tax you on that! They tax you on a tax! FUCKERS!


Sunday, March 16, 2003

Bitch HO Bitch HO!

Well, Maria has pointed out to me that I seem to be pimping Lisa out. And I suppose Cheryl's comment was right anyway...

Since you're all still asking!

The Mystery Woman is my friend Lisa from Colorado. She's coming to visit me in a couple of weeks. She's also a massage therapist. Anyone want to buy a massage while she's in town???

Got alot done this weekend!

Yes, I actually caught up on stuff that's been hounding me for more than 2 months, including the updating of my "kinder, gentler website". Anyone who wants to see breathtaking photos of Niagara Falls in the winter should click here. I also sent out a bunch of CD's to radio stations, went to the store to get new color makeup for my photo shoot on Wednesday, and it's only Saturday. Tomorrow, rehearsal for "Joseph...Dreamcoat". Wow.

Haloscan, my commenting company, was down today, and now I see that many comments are gone! All the comments you made about my mysterious singing hot mama friend, and the comments about Farris's birthday party, gone. Big zeros. Effers.

So it's waaaay past my bedtime now, though you wouldn't know it, because even though I set blogger for Eastern time, it keeps automatically changing itself back to Pacific time. What gives? Maybe it's a sign I should move west.
