Sunday, April 13, 2003

My last blog post for a while...

So I'm home again overnight, then I head to Canada again to record on Tuesday and Wednesday, spend Thursday doing whatever last minute things I have to do, then I ship out on Friday! I finally got the score to Copacabana on Saturday, like I have much time to practice...I practiced after Chorus Line on Friday night, from 10:30 pm til 12:30 am. Then I woke up and practiced some more.

And can I just say that Chorus Line was one of the worst pits I ever played in? The Musical Director hired some bad musicians, including this 16-year-old idiot boy drummer who couldn't keep time. He was cocky and arrogant, with nothing to back it up, and had no business having that attitude. He weighs about 350 pounds, and put his full weight behind each drum hit, even in the quiet sections. We never knew who the hell to follow. Then the bass player sucked, too. And he was ALSO an arrogant dickhead. He played upright, and a fretless electric bass, and HAD SHITTY INTONATION! He got all on his high horse about how fretted instruments suck and why the tempered scale sucks, and I wanted to say, well, you could use a fret or two, because YOU'RE NEVER IN TUNE! And your tone sucks, too. Another jerk who had nothing to back up his ego.

And I had to sit in between them. And I wanted to kill myself.

My drummer, Nicky, played percussion, and he rocks, as always. He was playing about 20 different instruments, PLUS cueing little drummer jerk the whole time. AND Nick brought in his drum set for this kid to use. So today we're striking, and Nick says to Baby Huey "So, you're going to stay and help me tear down, right?" And thank god I wasn't there to hear him say this because I would have torn him a new big asshole...he said to Nick, "Nope. That's why you're getting paid more!"

YOU STUPID FAT FUCKING IDIOT MORON! YOU DUMBASS 16 YEAR-OLD RUDE LITTLE SHIT!!!!!!!! Nick is being paid MORE because he's a PROFESSIONAL with a MUSIC DEGREE who has played professionally for TWENTY YEARS AND HAS PAID HIS DUES (literally and figuratively), and YOU are a pipsqeak little high-school kid who should be THANKFUL for the opportunity to play with the musicians you lucked into working with, AND INSTEAD YOU MADE US ALL LOOK BAD!

This little schmuck doesn't realize that people have long memories, and even if he does go to music school and learn to play well, we'll all remember his lack of character, his arrogance, his impoliteness, his failure to know his place, and his refusal to simply be a decent person and help out.

So Nick and I tore down his whole two rigs - took us almost two hours. BUT ON THE BRIGHT SIDE...

While we were tearing down, who's in the concert hall for a gig that night? Bela Fleck and the Flecktones! So I hung out with Victor Wooten, Bela himself, and the horn player, Jeff and chatted with them for awhile! And me without my CD's. Dumbass. And the night before, I got to meet Jay Leno, also there for a gig, and I gave him a CD, which I autographed for him! HAHAHAHAHA! So I'm feeling pretty important, right now.

Don't think I have much more to say. Didn't I say enough? Jesus.

Will miss all your blogs! Be cool and be warm! I know I'll be warm, in the South! Ciao, bellas!