Friday, May 02, 2003

Another day, another blog...

I'm still in Brunswick, NJ. We have a show tonight, but I've been holed up in my hotel room for the last 2.5 days enjoying my solitude. Practiced 5 hours yesterday. All work and no play makes Leah a dull girl, but I prefer it that way. I think EVERYONE in the cast and band went to NYC to see shows last night. But I didn't want to spend a gazillion hours on a bus there and back, and walking walking walking, and spending a fortune on tickets, food, and cabs. So I was here by my lonesome, practicing, watching TV, blogging, sneaking food to the ferile kitties in the back, sewing my coat, and thinking dirty thoughts about you know who (*dreamy sigh*)...

My buddy Shawn called from Rochester yesterday. We talked for awhile. I knew her back in Buffalo as early as 1985, when we were all fresh, young, hot baby dykes hanging out at Comptons. I ran into her a couple of years ago and we both found at that we each had moved to Rochester! Anyway, when I get back into town, she's a'coming with us goils to an ice cream social, 'cause I am JONESING for some Abbotts. Anyway, we had a nice talk, and she's a Capricorn too, and you know how much we Capy's love each other.

I wish I had some fun stories to tell you, but I'm saving those for a live telling. But also, with using so many public and borrowed computers, I don't want the "wrong" people to find this blog and read it, since most of my stories will involve my ever-colorful character representations of these people. And we all know that I tell it like it is. As Olympia Dukakis said in Steel Magnolias, "If you can't say anything nice, come sit next to me!"

I will tell you I got the raw tracks of my CD from the producer. I think this is gonna be a really really really good CD, folks. Not like that last disappointment, which was going to be a really really really good CD until the mixing engineer got his hands on it and butchered it. Yes, still bitter. But it's my first name.

We head out to Massachusetts tomorrow, then back to NYC (Bayside). Then we head South, where the hopefully unbearably sweltering hot weather awaits me, because that's how I like it. I wonder if the Klan awaits this busfull of prancing homos and freaks, as well? Gotta love theater!

See ya!

Thursday, May 01, 2003

I'll have a Scotch and Scotch, please...

Can someone please remind me the next time we're all boozing that ONE Rusty Nail is PLENTY!!!! Holy cow, I've never seen a room spin so wildly. But the Rusty Nail is now my new fave drink.

I'm in New Brunswick, NJ. We had our Weds and Thurs shows cancel, so we're here with a couple days off until our show Friday. I'm at the Four Points Sheraton in Plainfield, if you feel like visiting....

SO GET THIS! We're on the Thruway heading east and we stop in Syracuse at the mall for lunch. When we get back on the bus to continue, the bus driver, whom we all call "Wrong-Way Coleman" drives through these back roads to get back to the thruway. And I'm looking and noticing the familiarity of said roads. My heart leaps, with fear I think, and I look to the left. There it is! DOC'S LITTLE GERM DINER!!!! AAAAHHHHHHH!!! Having told the boys in the band the story, I shout to them, guys, here's the porn diner where they spit in your food! Lordy.

Later we get into the hotel. Mind you, it's the FOUR POINTS SHERATON, and it's fancy and expensive. And they have ONE elevator on each side of the hotel, making for a total of two elevators in the whole damn place. And the elevator is big enough to hold one Lesbian and her huge suitcase and guitar. Whafuck up wit dat? Later I go to the bar and Angie is sitting there talking to an older gentlemen. I go and join them. I'm bitching because the guys in the band and I made plans to walk to the liquor store to stock up for those long bus rides (12 hours, yesterday), and I've discovered they all left without me, and I'm talking it personally now. And I'm bitching, and Bob, this nice older gentleman, tells Miguel the bartender to hold his sandwich for 15 minutes. He gets his keys and says, C'mon. I'll drive you to the liquor store. Can ya stand that? And he did! And we pass the band on the way and I flip them all the finger. Later, he and Angie and I chatted for hours at the bar, while I got snockered on Rusty Nails, which is what Bob was drinking. I gave him a CD for being so nice. He's Italian and he designs boxes. He designed the Cabbage Patch doll box. So in the world of box design, he is famous! Wow.

So we're talking and somehow astrology comes around, and Angie says to me, guess my sign. I'm thinking..thinking....and Bob goes "Aquarius". AND HE WAS RIGHT! 61 year old man, talking astro! Well, he's an Aquarius too, and they can smell each other, those Aquarians. And Angie's hubby is a Capy, making Four Capy's in the band. So there's five of us there now: Bob, me, Angie, a dude named Tim who was just there eating, and Ben, Angie's hubby. And thru conversation I start seeing a synchronicity among us. Here's how it goes. Bob and Angie are Aquarians. Bob and I are italian, and also both twins. Ben and I are Capys. Tim and Angie are from Wisconsin. Bob and Tim both do business with the same company down the road (which is why they're in town). It was so cool!

Later, Bob has to go to bed and be up really early, so the party kind of breaks up, and I go to my room. Across the hall is the band, drinking their booze and I'm all pissed at them. Brian comes out and sees me and says hey! And I'm like fuck you, and everyone in that room. Y'all took off without me like I ain't good enough, because you all got distracted by the sweet little pretty very young assistant stage manager (who they went to the store with who's too young to drink anyway). And Brian says, fuck you, get in here. So I go in and flop on the bed and I'm trying to talk and my words are slurring, and I can't even see straight. And I keep saying, I'm so fucking drunk. Not sure what anyone talked about or even what I said, but I'm very aware that I can't form words. And the costume designer is looking at me sideways, almost disgusted. Apparently she's a recovering alky. And the sight of me was probably a little too much for her buttons.

We in the band have a motto: "I'm not an alcoholic, I'm a drunk. Alcoholics go to meetings".

So I finally realized I just had to go to bed and left. Okay, so remind me. One rusty nail.

Sunday, April 27, 2003

Easing in....

Hello there! Borrowing a computer and getting to blog. Love that! Things are going better here. I think I gave a really bad impression with my last post, being in such a hurry about it, but the last few days have been better because I'm finally accepted in the fold, so to speak. I wanted to really take my time easing in with these people, and feel everything out. Glad I did, too. But I've been able to chat more with people one on one little by little, and they've all finally taken to the idea of a newbie. So I can relaz a little bit, and also be more of myself - no, not the satan-worshipping pederast! The freak with the agressive speech! I've gotten a better sense of these people, too, and have figured out that they really don't say Hi to anyone. It's weird. They'll all walk past each other and ignore each other, unless you're in their little clique. So all this time I thought people were ignoring me, I finally noticed that it's not JUST me being ignored. I always say hi to everyone when I see them, or at least smile and acknowledge them. Maybe because they're all New Yorkers, and they're used to looking at the ground and not saying hi to anyone? I don't know. But I'm having more fun now. And I'm playing better, although this show has made me realize that my chops totally suck and I need to learn some new shit.

I'll be in Buffalo tomorrow night, overnight. Aahhh! HOME! I'll get to go to Dee's house and do laundry, and drop off one of my guitars that I'm not using. Pick up a couple more concert clothes and all that. Then we go to Kitchener for a show. That's where I'm recording my new CD, by the way, and my producer is coming to the show. He's bringing a CD of the raw tracks of all the songs for me to work with, so I can compose vocal harmonies and whatever else. And just keep close to the songs. Can't wait to hear it!

Right now I'm in New London, CT, and we're at this beautiful mansion-esqe, swanky Inn on the Long Island Sound. And do I care? NO! Wanna know why???? BECAUSE YOU CAN'T BUY ANY BEER HERE! We're in the middle of nowhere, not even walking distance to anything. The one day we have time, and there's nothing to do. And the food at the restaurant costs of fortune. Not for the musician's wallet. Speaking of beer...

Remember the NINE FUCKING DOLLAR Coronas at the casino? Well we were in.... uh....hmmmm...OH! New Jersey. Rutherford. And the lounge there had these 32 Oz. beer mugs! Woo hoo! And the band was hanging at the bar, as usual, ordering these mammoth beers. The boys are getting their beers and paying 6.50. So I'm ording up a Bass Ale, because I hate American beer, and she brings me my humongo beer and a bill for ELEVEN FUCKING DOLLARS!!!!! I'm like, what??? She says Bass Ale costs more. I'M SUPPOSED TO BE PENALIZED FOR HAVING BETTER TASTE??? Jebus! So there I was with my ELEVIN FUCKING DOLLAR beer, thinking I couldn't possibly be a bigger loser than when I overpaid for the Coronas, but apparently so! At least I can deduct it!

So, what else? OH! The bass player is from Rhode Island, so he has that New England accent, where they flatten out their "R's". So bar is "bah". Beer is "be-uh". So yesterday the bass player was talking to the lighting dude, and mentions a car crash. But is sounds like Cah Crash. And the lighting dude says What??? And the bass player says Cah Crash! And the lighting dude is thinking that he is saying "Cock rash"! HAHAHAHA!! Cah crash, cock rash! And light dude says did you say cock rash? and bass dude is saying, yeah, cah crash! We were pissing our pants laughing so hard. It was like "who's on first".

So I don't know what else to say. I could tell you all about the people - who's nice, who's a snotty bee-atch. Politics, nepotism. But that's boring. I'll tell you this: One guy has two sets of teeth, one behind the other. Freaky. One girl I don't trust. Underhanded and sneaky is the feeling I get. One girl has been so extremely nice to me. It's her computer I'm using. She's not the typical diva. Well, she ain't a diva. The company manager is married to the dance captain. She can barely hide her contempt for me, but I don't know what up with that. Maybe she doesn't like lesbians. Or maybe I made a bad first impression? Dunno. The lead male spits alot. The lead female thinks she's Britney Spears. Except she at least has talent. I can't say a whole lot. Who know's who'll do a search and find this blog, and I might piss people off if I say the wrong thing, or express an honest opinion. I'll save the dish for the next ice cream social. Until then, miss youse!